The long road back ….
I know it’s cliche but it’s what I have to tell myself this so I won’t get frustrated and want to give up. This blog is going to chronicle my journey to live life again! I’m not a professional writer by any stretch as you will come to learn if you spend any time reading my blog. As millions of other people have probably struggled with I lost a significant amount of weight only to eventually gain it back. I’ve felt sorry for myself long enough and am now ready to make the necessary changes, I got my drs. ok so here we go!!
As the name of this blog states i’m trying to lose fat and become more fit. I thought I needed to get on the show "The Biggest Loser", but after trying out three times there’s no more waiting on them. I actually had one of the staffers tell me at one of the casting calls I was “too fat” of course that wasn’t on record but it makes sense. The weight loss target is 150-200 pounds for men and 100-125 for woman based on past seasons. My last weight was 620 pounds and i figure if I can lose 200 pounds maybe i’ll try out again… or at that point just do it on my own. I am an aspiring iron man triathete who can’t run a quarter mile much less a marathon so this is going to take some time, but with a clear plan and goals i’ll get there, I didn’t get this obese overnight and will certainly not loss all the weight overnight as well. Eventually I’d like to motivate others and help educate families on making better eating choices with our busy lifestyles, but first I need to learn myself.
Lastly I know I need to have goals… realistic goals that are acheiveable so here goes:
Short term:
W/E: 12.12.09
Drink 64 oz. of water at least 4 times this week
Go to gym/excersize at least twice
Take measurements and beginning photographs
Stop drinking sugared drinks