Quick progress update...
Just wanted to drop a quick post updating what's happened since my last post. I met with my doctor as well as a dietitian, and at first was pretty frustrated at their lack or a sense of urgency for me and my need to lose weight. I'm not sure how much of it is related to political correctness, but I know for me if I'd gotten a stern warning in the past it might have saved me from where I wound up at. Note to medical professionals I'm morbidly obese and if I don't do something drastically to my current weight I will leave the unpleasant task of burying me to my father (since my recent separation/divorce). My father has been responsible for burying both his parents and two spouses (my biological mom, and his second wife my subsequent 2nd mom of almost 25 years), it's very selfish and not right for me to pass along that burden from something that I can change and have ultimate control over. However here's what i've done : I went to the hospital and weigh...