
Showing posts from 2011

Why the self sabotage .... argh! Any good therapist out there?!

It's been a bit rough lately, I am going to try a new old method of weight loss.  That being a nutritional shake fast/meal replacement.  I am officially going on a family cruise Nov 27th for a week, it's a blessing and a curse, the blessing obviously being a week long cruise, the curse being it will be my first post divorce "family function" and the last one prior to that was with my wife kids and her family. The quotes are due to the fact it is going to consist of, my father, brother and his wife, sister and her husband, and nephew along with wife and my two other single nephews (both in early twenties). As far as the cruise goes i'm sure it will be splendid, Royal Caribbean 7 day Western Caribbean, you can't go wrong with that. However being a self professed "man of size" I must confess there are some logistical issues. Now for any non obese individual you may want to check out to the next paragraph for everyone else i'll share the details. On ...

Some hard truths I'm finally ready to accept.

I'm working on a really exciting new project that will be huge when it comes to fruition, however it's going to require me to lose weight, a lot of it for it to happen, since it's in the fitness industry. I want to become a personal trainer, however this project is much bigger than that. It's really scary thinking about it, but I realized this weekend it's going to come down to me, nobody else can do it. I know that sounds so obvious but ultimately that is the case for all of those trying to be healthy or lose weight. Regardless of how much support you have it boils down to me or you, we make the choices on what we eat or whether or not to exercise. It's an excuse and crutch i've used for over ten years when I was married, my wife didn't support my efforts and ultimately helped me add 300 + pounds.  That was my excuse, it's easier to blame someone else than to accept responsibility, well today i'm going on record, I was lazy and chose the couch o...

"You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. "

What iconic movie is that from? It's from one of my favorite movies A Knight's Tale , and as I was pondering its meaning I thought it pretty well sums up most past of my weight loss attempts. Even recently if I were to take a critical look at my recent efforts it would still be quite fitting.  I'm done making excuses, at this point I could dwell on the things that have not wound up quite as I'd liked them to have; or focus on what I can do to change things for the better, just like you can. I was going through my list of bloggers I follow and as expected there were probably over half of them that were no longer active or updated, just as my site had not been updated for so long. The pessimist in me  can only assume the people probably got tired/failed and moved on. However I'm going to choose to highlight those who are either continuing the battle to regain their health or to maintain their successful weight loss. Bloggers like Stephen Vinson whose blog WhoAteMyBl...

A couple for personal victories.

Well as promised I went and weighed in last Friday, and am proud to say that despite me avoiding the scales for the past six weeks managed to lose 6 pounds, which is quite remarkable since food logging ( or any conscience healthy food choices for that matter) was the the furthest from my mind! The biggest difference i've noticed since embarking on this journey again, is that I will go basically all day without eating, then go on a drive thru binge at (enter fast food restaurant name here) That is going to be one of the first things I change, because i've got to stop putting garbage in and expecting good results. Which brings me to a victory of sorts, that is overcoming my fear of what others think of me. This past year has been rough going through the divorce but this was the first time for me to have the kids for an extended period, 11 days straight. I know my ex was concerned but I wanted to do my best to enjoy my time with them.  One of the things they really wanted to do w...

Tap Tap is this thing on ?!

Okay well it's been a while since i've been around, and I could make a thousand excuses, but since we've heard them all i'll skip that for now.   I'm going to weigh in today, for the first time in a month, i've been a member at Weight Watchers but haven't had any desire to see how i'm doing. I know i've been in a bit of a funk lately and probably just need to go get some happy pills from the dr. but I haven't been able to muster the motivation. I've been looking for resources on improving my feelings of self worth, and how to overcome the negative self talk, so any resources you might have seen would be appreciated!   It is so frustrating to know what I need to/should be doing but be overcome with apathy, and lack of desire, that has to change for my sake and my kids.  My ex gave up on me and after almost two years since the separation i've finally accepted it is what it was and moved on. I know I have a ton to offer to my companion,...

The Fitblogger 30 day Challenge, I'm In are you up for it?

I'm really glad I came across this challenge  (link here) , and it couldn't have come at a better time for me.  I've never been a big believer in New Year's resolutions, not to say I don't believe in goals; quite the opposite I'm a huge believer in goals, just not the short fading "resolutions"so many people make at the beginning of the year. One of the cool reminders I found while surfing around the Fitblogger site were setting SMART goals, that is goals that are S pecific, M easurable, A ction Oriented, R ealistic, and lastly  T imely. I had heard this acronym in a kinesiology class I had taken, but it was a great reminder. One of the goals of the challenge is to set goals and blog at least once a week preferably on Monday about how we did. So here are my goals: There are to rewards I'm working towards, the first is the Fitbloggin Conference May 17-20th in Baltimore  (link to conference info)  It is as the title suggests a conference for health...

Half empty of half full, which are you?

It's not a secret one of the most documented characteristics of a successful weight loss is having a great support network.  I am fortunate to have a family that supports me in this, but often find myself being able to tell my deepest thoughts to cyberspace easier than my own family, guess its kinda like therapy.  One of my favorite pastimes is reading success stories of individuals that have conquered their food demons and lost weight; it is also somewhat of a double edge sword. I was reminded that recently when I read a blog post by someone who had lost a significant amount of weight, and almost appreared pompous and kinda fired me up a little.  He had read an article on MSNBC (located here) about how a woman had lost 170 pounds and nothing had really changed about her life other than the size of her a$#, and had been sold a bill of goods about how her life would change when she lost the weight. The bloggers contention was that she was accurate and quote: "I have the same ...

Quick progress update...

Just wanted to drop a quick post updating what's happened since my last post.  I met with my doctor as well as a dietitian, and at first was pretty frustrated at their lack or a sense of urgency for me and my need to lose weight.  I'm not sure how much of it is related to political correctness, but I know for me if I'd gotten a stern warning in the past it might have saved me from where I wound up at.  Note to medical professionals I'm morbidly obese and if I don't do something drastically to my current weight I will leave the unpleasant task of burying me to my father (since my recent separation/divorce). My father has been responsible for burying both his parents and two spouses (my biological mom, and his second wife my subsequent 2nd mom of almost 25 years), it's very selfish and not right for me to pass along that burden from something that I can change and have ultimate control over. However here's what i've done : I went to the hospital and weigh...

I am going to die....

and so are you! Quite a harsh intro but everyday I am subjecting my body to the excess weight I am hearkening a premature exit, and my days of going quietly are OVER!   This past year was hard, but too bad life's not fair, and excuses will no longer be tolerated! Sorry if I'm abusing the exclamation marks but I went to the doctor today and am extremely frustrated; I am morbidly obese, and there is no sense of urgency from my primary care physician.  Everyday I am subjecting my heart to excess stress due to my weight and in today's day of political correctness sometimes the truth hurts but the alternative would hurts those I love much more. I will no longer go quietly! I am taking on the mantra of the "Militant Fat Man!" because regardless of what society thinks I am worth as much as the next person regardless of my size.  I am no longer going to tolerate the under the breath jabs from youth or others, and if they are going to laugh then that's fine I'm n...

Why is it so hard to get started?

I guess that is the million dollar question, if there were a simple answer everyone would be doing it. 2010 was definitely a very rough year for me on multiple fronts. I got divorced, moved in with my father, lost my business, was hospitalized multiple times, went on disability, suffered a very bad case of depression and came very close to losing the desire to live. I also faced the thought of finding a new church home since I had become ostracized at my church home of 15 years due to the divorce, I also half-joked that my wife got all our friends in the divorce since 95% of our friends were from church. Although I never had any thoughts of suicide, it was like a perfect storm of negative life changes. I reached my highest weight EVER of 667 pounds. I went on a weight loss program with my father and was able to lose approximately 70 pounds to get me to my current weight. During the hospital admission process at the particular hospital I was at they ask a list of questions that might ...