
Showing posts from 2017

My latest project

LinkedIn friends I need your help! The picture on the left is my father's 2nd lieutenant commission photo prior to Vietnam, and the one on the left was his final picture before retiring as a Colonel. This is where I need your help. My father was helicopter pilot during Vietnam and I'm working to get him the congressional medal of honor for one of his acts of heroism during one of his missions. I am doing this without his knowledge. I have his service records and we even have confirmation from one of the people he saved, but need help tracking down the other officer involved.  My father found out about what I was doing and sent me the following narrative of events.... During the October-November 1967 time frame. I was the aircraft commander. The warrant officer on the right in the photo was the copilot. The other two are the enlisted crew.  While flying command and control for an infantry unit I had a colonel in the back with hi...