Update since surgery -12 days post op
Time had been flying by adding and things are going great. I weighed for the first time on Sunday and couldn't believe three results, my weigh at surgery was 670#, on Sunday it was 632.8, for a loss of 37.2#!! I weighed myself four times because I couldn't believe it!!!
It has really been different than I was expecting,i had a binge eating issue period to surgery and would typically spend $20+ at the drive thru including a couple of large sodas. I have had zero issues or even cravings since the surgery!!! I've got an appointment with a therapist to start unpacking much of the things that were obviously underlying issues but just have never dealt with.
It's amazing how the protein shakes fill me up, and I've learned how to tell three signals my stomach is sending, the only issue I've had is a minor flare up of gout which is apparently fairly common since the dramatic changes and the new higher amounts of protein present post op.
I've even been somew...