The Fitblogger 30 day Challenge, I'm In are you up for it?
I'm really glad I came across this challenge (link here) , and it couldn't have come at a better time for me. I've never been a big believer in New Year's resolutions, not to say I don't believe in goals; quite the opposite I'm a huge believer in goals, just not the short fading "resolutions"so many people make at the beginning of the year. One of the cool reminders I found while surfing around the Fitblogger site were setting SMART goals, that is goals that are S pecific, M easurable, A ction Oriented, R ealistic, and lastly T imely. I had heard this acronym in a kinesiology class I had taken, but it was a great reminder. One of the goals of the challenge is to set goals and blog at least once a week preferably on Monday about how we did. So here are my goals: There are to rewards I'm working towards, the first is the Fitbloggin Conference May 17-20th in Baltimore (link to conference info) It is as the title suggests a conference for health...