
Showing posts from March, 2011

The Fitblogger 30 day Challenge, I'm In are you up for it?

I'm really glad I came across this challenge  (link here) , and it couldn't have come at a better time for me.  I've never been a big believer in New Year's resolutions, not to say I don't believe in goals; quite the opposite I'm a huge believer in goals, just not the short fading "resolutions"so many people make at the beginning of the year. One of the cool reminders I found while surfing around the Fitblogger site were setting SMART goals, that is goals that are S pecific, M easurable, A ction Oriented, R ealistic, and lastly  T imely. I had heard this acronym in a kinesiology class I had taken, but it was a great reminder. One of the goals of the challenge is to set goals and blog at least once a week preferably on Monday about how we did. So here are my goals: There are to rewards I'm working towards, the first is the Fitbloggin Conference May 17-20th in Baltimore  (link to conference info)  It is as the title suggests a conference for health...

Half empty of half full, which are you?

It's not a secret one of the most documented characteristics of a successful weight loss is having a great support network.  I am fortunate to have a family that supports me in this, but often find myself being able to tell my deepest thoughts to cyberspace easier than my own family, guess its kinda like therapy.  One of my favorite pastimes is reading success stories of individuals that have conquered their food demons and lost weight; it is also somewhat of a double edge sword. I was reminded that recently when I read a blog post by someone who had lost a significant amount of weight, and almost appreared pompous and kinda fired me up a little.  He had read an article on MSNBC (located here) about how a woman had lost 170 pounds and nothing had really changed about her life other than the size of her a$#, and had been sold a bill of goods about how her life would change when she lost the weight. The bloggers contention was that she was accurate and quote: "I have the same ...