
Showing posts from October, 2009

Facing our demons

So yesterday was a big day for me. I faced one of my biggest obsticles and conquered it! Nov 1,2007 I lost a dear friend and mentor/work out partner, John. John was a great rolemodel in almost all facets of his Christian life, he was a great father, wise counsel, great husband, and listener. What made it even more difficult was the fact he was one of my biggest supporters and workout accountability partner. To top that he died of a massive heart attack after doing our normal swim routine in the shower at the pool we swam at. I wasn't there that day, but had spoken to him previously that week. He was the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers, and had acheived great success in his career. You'd never know that talking with him though, he was like a father figure, and would often recount how he'd counseled various players (always keeping their anonymity) and how they'd made it through whatever was challenging them. Not making excuses but with John's...

Ready...Here we go!

As a weight loss yo-yoer, i've said it before, but this time I'm determined to make the changes, expect it to not be an overnight process, and stick to it. It's been a long journey up to this point, but the lessons learned are invaluable and make us who we are. I hope this can be an encouragement to others as well as an accountability tool for myself. In the past I have asked those who have been successful in losing large amounts of weight for advice or their opinion, well after receiving my last note from someone I considered to be a huge motivator, no more. They seemed dismayed that tens possibly hundreds of obese individuals would come to them for advice. My thoughts to them are if you didn't want or seek the attention of desperate people why do you seem to blog your story and trumpet every time a media outlet asks you for your story. If you don't want to carry that banner and help I gladly will, i'm not after fame or fortune, but dang it there are peopl...